We have ISA Brown Chicken eggs...which is a cross breed of Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White. My mom is going to take the chicks and wanted a "nice" breed of chicken and a good egg layer and this is what Townline suggested. They said they are very dependable egg layers, docile, and have a great personality! Who knew?!
I will keep the blog updated as the process continues!
Eggs waiting to go into the incubators!
Workers loading eggs into the trays. Behind you can see the dark wood incubators. Each incubator has 2 windows and holds 30,000 eggs at a time!! There were about 10-15 incubators in this building!!
A peek inside the incubators!
Ducklings and poults (baby turkeys) ready to be shipped to small farmers! All the boxes behind are filled and ready to ship with many different types of poultry!
Our eggs, ready in the incubator!! I numbered them so that it makes it easier for me to tell which eggs have been flipped. I have to flip the eggs 3 times a day to mimic the behavior a hen would do when on a nest.
Here is our countdown chart!! Hopefully in 21 days we will have chicks!! Wednesday was day 1 for us! (Although in the past, I have had the chicks hatch on days 19 and 20, so we will see!!)
Our little "Incubation Station!" We will continue to put up information about chicks, eggs, and incubation as we go!
Some writings about putting the eggs in the incubators. They do such a great job of being so accurate with their descriptions and illustrations!
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